What is FEE-ONLY?

Our team of independent FEE-ONLY professionals are dedicated to providing personalized financial guidance that meets your unique needs. To ensure that we can deliver the highest level of service, we offer a range of FEE-ONLY options based on the level of support you’re looking for.

We define FEE-ONLY financial advisers as professionals who do not receive any form of commission or compensation based on the products or services, they recommend to you.

Instead, they will charge you a fee for their services, which can be based on an hourly rate, a flat rate, or a percentage of assets under management. The goal of a FEE-ONLY financial adviser is to provide unbiased financial advice to you that is in the best interest of the client, without the potential conflicts of interest that can arise when an adviser is paid based on the products they sell.

Most of our FEE-ONLY professionals are members of respected FEE-ONLY organizations including National Association of Personal Financial Advisers (NAPFA), the Alliance of Comprehensive Planners (ACP), the Financial Planning Association (FPA), the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and the Garrett Planning Network. They include Chartered Financial Planners, Registered Investment Advisers, CPAs and attorneys. All attorneys in our network are licensed members of the bars in their respective states. 

Your independent FEE-ONLY adviser will charge you based on the level of service you seek and will disclose their fee structure prior to any engagement. In certain cases, a commission product may be the only product available. This is typical when it comes to Life Insurance which can only be sold via a licensed commissioned sales agent.  Some organizations prohibit their FEE-ONLY Advisers from engaging in such transactions. In our case, we require that the FEE-ONLY Adviser comply with membership rules of the organization they belong to. 

It is possible that some FEE-ONLY financial advisers receive “indirect” or “soft dollar compensation” from third parties such as investment research firms or technology providers, in exchange for using their products or services. Our FEE-ONLY financial advisers are required to disclose soft dollar arrangements to ensure that there are no conflicts of interest that could impact the advice they provide.

To find out more or schedule a FREE Consultation or Ask Us a Question. Alternatively, visit 1800ADVISER.COM and get connected to a Fee-Only adviser in your local area.

All questions answered privately by email.

Connect with a Fee-Only financial planner, money manager, CPA or lawyer.

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